Many people who have experienced a bereavement or mental health struggle will often seek a tattoo in memory of a loved one or as a mark of survival through difficult times.
The Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Programme have recognised that tattooists will frequently hear people’s stories of loss and struggles and may be affected by what they hear while wanting to be able to signpost their clients to appropriate support.
With this in mind, a short film has been produced acknowledging the significant role tattooists can play in their client’s lives while highlighting the help that can be offered by the Greater Manchester Bereavement Support Service; information that they can share with their clients or make use of themselves.
The film also highlights the free on-line suicide prevention training provided by Zero Suicide Alliance that tattooists are encouraged to complete to help them feel more confident about having conversations about suicide and helping us to prevent suicide across our City region.
We are very grateful to Thelma for sharing her story of loss in the film and to Laura and her colleagues from Lux Tattoo, Prestwich, for supporting this film.
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