The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have been selected to develop a package of Suicide Bereavement Training by Cruse Bereavement Care, in partnership with Health Education England, Public Health England and Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS.
The training will be delivered as a modular programme running over 3 months, starting in October 2021 and its aim is to support staff and volunteers working as bereavement counsellors and talking therapists, to be better equipped and able to support clients who have been bereaved by suicide.
The training is free of charge for all participants; however, places are strictly limited to 45.
Applicants need to demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:
Applications for this course close on theĀ 7th July 2021. More detail about the course content and the application form can be found here
If you have any questions about this programme or need an alternative application method, please email and put Health Education England in the subject line.
**Please share this email and the information with other individuals or organisations who are supporting people who have been bereaved by suicide and might benefit from completing this training programme**