The event took place in the stunning Stretford Public Hall Ballroom and was compèred by Salford poet “J” Ahmed. So many amazing poems were shared by Greater Manchester residents. Our youngest audience member was just 7 weeks old and his mum dedicated her poem ‘Joel’ to him and our youngest poet to perform was 13 year old Domantas who received a standing ovation for his poem shared below.
When you’re feeling down and you don’t know how to cope
When you think it can’t get better look out for a glimmer of hope
Like a falling star it’s not that rare
If you look around it will be somewhere
Hope is expectation and desire
A warm feeling in your heart that starts a fire
It gives us the drive to continually strive and fills us with joy at being alive
Hope is intangible, and yet it is there
Powerfully sleeping, as a bear in his lair
We call on hope when we are feeling abysmal
It supports us, buoys us up so we don’t lose our fizzle
It’s a mental medication to keep us intact and that is truly a very important fact
We can call on it in our hour of need, all we have to do is sow that seed
It’s the human nature to hope, it is the only way we learn how to cope
By Domantas