If you’re experiencing debt or financial problems, you do not have to struggle alone. There is help out there, no matter how bad things may seems.
Martin Lewis’ guide to mental health and debt provides help, information and guidance for individuals and carers.
Support for people living on low income or looking for a job as well as help with money worries, debt and gambling problems.
Citizens Advice offers free, independent, confidential and impartial debt advice through their web chat service, advice line or in their offices.
A debt advice and education charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about debt.
A grassroots volunteer-run organisation calling for change for people who have been excluded from the Government's financial support during Covid-19. Includes a community forum for peer support and funded 121 support sessions.
Visit the Addiction page to find dedicated gambling support.
Advice if you're affected by the cost of living crisis. It's a difficult time for many people as costs rise. Advice and support is available and organisations across Greater Manchester are here to give a helping hand.
Help and advice for those looking for a job, including information about working in critical sectors and the latest vacancies.
The Mental Health and Money Advice service help and support people understand, manage and improve their money and mental health issues.
Free and impartial money advice, set up by the government. Includes guides to help improve your finances, tools and calculators and support on the phone and online.
A charity that is committed to breaking the link between financial difficulty and mental health problems.
Free and personalised careers advice to help people make informed choices to find training or get back into work.
National Debtline
Helpline and online chat for people who need independent advice on debt and financial problems.
Free debt advice, solutions and debt management plans for anyone struggling with debt or insolvency.
Free, impartial debt advice and support to help you with your debt problems for as long as you need it.
Advice, support and legal services for people struggling with bad housing or homelessness.
Free, confidential 24/7 support for victims of loan sharks and help with reporting them. A loan shark is a moneylender who charges extremely high interest rates, typically illegally.
Information for people experiencing economic abuse.
Confidential information, advice and guidance for all debt related matters.
Money education charity that provides information on all things related to money.
Digital debt advisor that can help you budget and provides free, confidential and personalised advice.
Financial support to help you get back on track when times are tough. Offers grants for support and help check benefit entitlement.
Government guide that explains Universal Credit and what it will mean to you.
Money advice and support for people in Bolton.
Money advice and support for people in Bury.
Money advice and support for people in Oldham.
Money advice and support for people in Manchester.
Money advice and support for people in Salford.
Support from Salford City Council offering support and advice on lots of different issues that you may be facing.
Money advice and support for people in Stockport.
Money advice and support for people in Tameside.
Money advice and support for people in Trafford.
Money advice and support for people in Wigan.