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The Military Community

If you’re part of the military community, ex-military or a military family, there’s dedicated help and support available for you.

Are you bereaved by suicide?

Losing someone you know to suicide can be devastating and there are additional factors to consider if you are part of a military family. The services listed below offer support for veterans and military families that are bereaved by suicide.

Cruse Bereavement Care - Military

A dedicated programme for military families who have lost someone who served in the Armed Forces.

Suicide Bereavement

Suicide Bereavement UK have created guides for veterans and families and serving personnel.

Scotty’s Little Soldiers

Support for children and young people who have lost a parent who served in the Armed Forces, including professional bereavement counselling.


Offers the support you need during your bereavement, whether you’ve lost someone who previously served in the Armed Forces or you’re ex-Forces and bereaved.

The Royal British Legion

Lifelong support for the Armed Forces community, including help and guidance if you’ve lost someone to suicide.

Veterans Bereavement Support

Both emotional and practical advice and assistance, such as telephone counselling, funeral advice and financial assistance. It also provides help with pensions, benefits and paperwork associated with wills and probate.

Veterans UK

The MOD’s dedicated veterans support organisation for veterans or anyone supporting a veteran, and their families. The Veterans Welfare Service is part of this and offers support to bereaved families of service personnel.

Winston’s Wish

Specialist bereavement support for children, young people and their families who have a military connection.

Forces Children’s Trust

Support for children who have lost a parent in the armed forces, including child bereavement counselling, group activities and social events.

Wigan Borough Armed Forces Community HQ

A one-stop centre providing advice and guidance for Armed Forces serving personnel, veterans and their families across Greater Manchester, Lancashire and the North West.


Mental health and wellbeing service for veterans, provided by people who understand military life.

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